Monday, April 14, 2014

More sex in the city, or on campus

Anne Hendershott, "Catholic Schools Pressed to Give Up Morality" (Crisis Magazine, April 10, 2014). Excerpts with comments by Guy Noir:
Being a gay or lesbian teacher is certainly not the reason for these dismissals—the Church teaches that all those with same sex attraction are to be treated with respect and dignity...

...McCullough was not fired because she was a lesbian. She was not fired based on her sexual orientation..."
[can we get more emphatic here?]
Mr. Noir comments:
Even this article unintentionally cedes ground to [so-called] gay activists. Orientation is not a sin, OK, but it is in this case a disorder. And a gay lifestyle IS a sin. Why would anyone identify publicly as gay if they were not pursuing that lifestyle?

Catholics again are bending over backwards to say they are not anti-gay. But we ARE anti-gay in a real sense, at least in terms of our teaching on sexuality. [So-called] 'gay' sex is wrong. Ouch. People who identify as gay are, presumably, referencing their sexual preferences and private life. To say someone is not being fired because they are gay is slightly disingenuous. You can be gay, just don't go getting married? Come on. How about, you can have same-sex attraction, but you can't self-identity as gay, since we think that is endorsing something that is disordered....

Meanwhile, I am so relieved the Pope is restless about youth unemployment.
[Hat to JM]

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