Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eat your heart out, Jack Kevorkian!

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, originally from Pontiac, Michigan, must have dreamed of the day when he could walk through a retirement home passing out business cards and be welcomed as a philanthropist. If he ever wondered whether he would live to see the day, he need wonder no more: his dream of servicing his countrymen as "Dr. Death" has now been embraced, as we have been learning lately, by the current administration of our national government.

Some recent links:Shifting focus just a bit, remember that scene in the Monty Python film, The Meaning of Life, where the organ harvesters show up at the door of an elderly couple for the grizzly task? "Can we have your liver, then?" [Advisory: macabre humor] Never mind that you may still be using it -- your liver, that is. That may have seemed funny when the film came out. Maybe it still is. But in these times, under the Obamanation of Desolation, fiction meets reality, and dark humor descends toward becoming a matter of dreary gray policy.

[Hat tip to S.K.]

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