Friday, December 05, 2008

No intelligence allowed

I just saw "Expelled" for the first time. It's always been a fascinating question to me why so much controversy is generated by anyone who simply questions the sacred cow of reigning scientific orthodoxy, the Sacred Tradition of Darwinian Evolutionary Theory. Stein's movie does so with occasional Monty-Python-esque humor, as in the clip "Expelled: How Life Began" (scan down to the lower of the two videos linked here), which is based on a movie I remember seeing at the Smithsonian as a child. The hue and cry from the Holy Office of the Inquisition is unimaginably and boringly predictable. Which also has me wondering why a sense of humor seems to be confined to the side of traditional Jews (like Ben Stein) and Christians (like Alvin Plantinga), and why professed atheists are so lugubriously humorless on this issue. Go figure.

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