Friday, March 10, 2006

"The most powerful Catholic audio on the web"

"Almost thirty years ago, a dear and holy priest gave a Catholic family a complete set of audio tapes of a retreat given by the incomparable Archbishop Sheen.

"The retreat was so inspiring that they obtained permission to copy the tapes for their friends and relatives.

"Their response was phenomenal, and it inspired the idea of forming a lay apostolate -- Keep The Faith -- to distribute such inspiring orthodox Catholic material to Catholics everywhere.

"Today, by God's grace, Keep The Faith's apostolate has flourished to the point where we are now distributing Catholic audio cassettes and videos to more than 65 countries each year - always at cost and often free-of-charge."

The site has "hundreds of sermons and lectures by the foremost defenders of Catholic orthodoxy in the world today," devotional talks, spiritual retreats, and theological lectures "provided under thousands of titles," and, among other things, "maintains the world's largest audio and video tape collection of sermons and lectures by Archbishop Sheen."


Check it out. Audio downloads are a mere $1.00 per MP3 File or WPA File. (These take only seconds to downlodad, and you can either play them on your computer, MP3 player, or, if you have a CD burner, they suggest you burn them onto a blank CD-R so you can play them on any CD player.) You can, of course, also order audio tapes at $3.00-6.00 per cassette.

Take the tour of the site HERE.

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